Professor Rachelle Alterman

Rachelle Alterman is emeritus (non-retired) professor of urban planning and law at the Technion— Israel Institute of Technology. She is also a senior researcher at the Neaman Institute for National Policy Research. She is the Founding President of the International Academic Association on Planning, Law and Property Rights and Honorary Member of the Association of European Schools of Planning (the only non-European). Her research and extensive publications focus on international comparative analysis of planning laws and institutions, property rights, land and housing policy. She was selected among 16 global “leaders in planning thought” (Routledge 2017).

Alterman’s advice (often pro-bono) is frequently sought by UN Habitat, the OECD, the World Bank and Chinese government bodies. In Israel, her opinions are sought by the Knesset (parliament), national and local government agencies, civil society, and the media, and her publications are often cited by the courts.

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